Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Monocots Vs. Dicots!

Distinguishing characteristics between Monocots Vs. Dicots in a Plant
 Flower: Monocots - parts made in multiples of 3's. Ex - Lilies
               Dicots - parts made in multiples of 4/5's, diverse. Ex - Morning Glories

Leaves: Monocots - maintain shape, size & length, parallel primary veins.
              Dicots - leaves vary, web-like veins.

Seeds/Fuits: Monocots - similar sized and shape.
                     Dicots - various sizes and shapes.

Stem: Monocots - weak stems.
          Dicots - strong steams.

Roots: Monocots - fibrous roots.
            Dicots - tap-root system; one strong, central root assisted by smaller roots.

These pictures are examples of a monocot and a dicot because one flower has 3 petals, like a monocot, and one flower has 5 petals, like a dicot.

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